Energy Community of Practice

Online Workshop: The Future of the Oil and Gas Industry (Australia/New Zealand)

Online Workshop: The Future of the Oil and Gas Industry (Australia/New Zealand)
  • Date From 9th May 2024
  • Date To 9th May 2024
  • Price Free of charge.
  • Location Online: 13:00 AWST/ 17:00 NZST. Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes.


The energy sector is changing – what does that mean for you?

We recently surveyed IChemE members who work in the oil and gas industry and its supply chains. We asked what the energy transition means for their region and their work, what issues and technologies would be most important and what could enable chemical engineers to contribute to the energy transition. We also invited members to meet to bring further understanding of the feedback and help shape ways forward.

Unsurprisingly, the 200+ survey responses showed that impacts are expected to be increasingly significant, that oil and gas will contribute less to the overall energy mix, and that technology and skills will be important challenges, alongside economics and policy. The strength of the focus on the energy transition, energy security, affordability and carbon emissions varies widely between regions. Similarly, regional technology strategies for decarbonisation are also expected to differ. What does this mean for chemical engineers?

Informed by the responses, volunteers who work in the sector are leading five online workshops to hear more from members working in the oil and gas industry in specific regions. The workshops will seek views on how the energy transition will affect you – or is already affecting you. They aim to draw on members’ observations, experiences and concerns, to understand what action members, IChemE, employers and governments could or should take in response. The findings from the workshop and survey will underpin the project report and its recommendations for action.

Agenda for the workshop >>


  • 13:00–14:30 AWST.
  • 17:00–18:30 NZST.

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