IChemE announces candidates for Trustee and Congress seats

28th April 2023
The Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) has announced the candidates running for seats on two of its key bodies as voting opens today (28 April).
Eligible members are encouraged to vote for their preferred candidates standing for the two contested positions on IChemE’s Board of Trustees and the one contested position on Congress, the Institution’s member advisory body.
All eligible members will require a unique voter code to be able to vote which can be found in personalised emails sent from Mi-Voice, an independent electoral service provider, which will also include the notice and relevant information regarding the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
The ballot is now open for the contested seats as listed below and will close at 09:30 BST on 19 May 2023.
Board of Trustees candidates
Position: Deputy President
- Mark Apsey
- Keith Carpenter
- Stefaan Simons
Position: Ordinary Member (one seat):
- Chris Hamlin
- Zainab Kayat
- Adriana Vargas-Colwill
Congress candidates
Position: Fellow representative (one seat)
- John Gunner
- Sujeewa Sumanasena
Of the 23 available seats in Congress, eight have been filled uncontested, one seat is contested and 14 seats remain unfilled.
The successful candidates will take up their seats with effect from the AGM to be held virtually on 13 June 2023, when those sitting in uncontested seats will also be formally elected.
Members are encouraged to review the candidates’ election statements which have been developed in video format as well as written format. Additionally, members may wish to read interviews with the Board of Trustees’ candidates in this article which appears in the April edition of The Chemical Engineer magazine.
For more details on the elections, eligibility and how to vote, visit www.icheme.org/elections.
Trustee and Congress elections
For more information please contact:
Lucy Cook, Communications Manager, IChemE
t: +44 (0) 1788 534454
e: lcook@icheme.org
Claire Shepherd, Communications Executive, IChemE
t: +44 (0) 1788 534457
e: cshepherd@icheme.org
What is chemical engineering?
Chemical, biochemical and process engineering is the application of science, maths and economics in the process of turning raw materials into everyday, and more specialist, products. Professional chemical engineers design, construct and manage process operations all over the world. Oil and gas, pharmaceuticals, food and drink, synthetic fibres and clean drinking water are just some of the products where chemical engineering plays a central role.
The Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) advances chemical engineering's contribution worldwide for the benefit of society. We facilitate the development of chemical engineering professionals and provide connections to a powerful network of over 29,000 members in more than 100 countries. We support our members in applying their expertise and experience to make an influential contribution to solving major global challenges, and are the only organisation permitted to award Chartered Chemical Engineer status and Professional Process Safety Engineer registration.