IChemE creates and publishes a wide range of chemical and process engineering books in partnership with Elsevier, a global leader in science and technology publishing. Titles published under this partnership cover key chemical engineering, process engineering and related subjects, written by leading experts in their fields.

There are over 75 books published covering a broad range of topics. Seminal works in the series include Coulson and Richardson’s Chemical Engineering and Lees’ Loss Prevention in the Process Industries.

The IChemE/Elsevier partnership is overseen by the Books Editorial Board which is made up of IChemE volunteer members who:

  • oversee the aim and direction of IChemE’s books publication strategy
  • identify gaps and suggest new books for the series
  • suggest potential authors and reviewers
  • review new book proposals.

Visit the Elsevier website and browse our range of chemical and process engineering books.

New book proposals

If you would like to discuss proposals or relevant topics for new books, please contact us.

Contact us

Books Editorial Board

  • Dominic Foo, University of Nottingham, Malaysia
  • Thokozani Majozi, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
  • Kirsty McCall, ESD, UK
  • Hong Wai Onn, Novozymes, Malaysia
  • Kit Oung, OurWorld Solutions, UK
  • Helen Shannon, Octo, UK
  • Gavin Towler, Honeywell, US
  • Andreas Tsoligkas, Matthey, UK
  • Raymond Tan, De La Salle University, Philippines
  • Maddie Wilson, Elsevier, UK