Industrialist joins On Campus visits

26th October 2015

On Campus, a campaign by IChemE is especially for university students studying Chemical Engineering and has been a successful one in Malaysia. This campaign creates a platform for the students to obtain information and encourages them to be active members of IChemE.

Together with Theresa Lok, membership marketing executive of IChemE, two industrialist, Hong Wai Onn and Razak Rahman joined the On Campus campaign at Heriot-Watt University and Taylor’s University Lakeside Campus respectively on 7 October and 15 October 2015. Hong and Razak are Chartered Chemical Engineers working full time in the industry and both took time off work to visit the respective universities.

Hong shared on the importance and the career opportunities of a chemical engineer, whilst Razak shared his journey as a chemical engineer in France. Students who attended were inspired and had the opportunity to ask their questions and gain insights. Most students registered as student  members of IChemE after this visit.