New IChemE Energy Centre calls for expressions of interest

21st November 2014

Chemical engineers have a central role to play in the global transition to a low carbon energy system. Recognising this, the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) is creating a virtual ‘Energy Centre’, to ensure the voice of the chemical engineering community is heard in the debate around energy issues.

The Centre will facilitate the delivery of energy aspects of IChemE’s technical strategy, Chemical Engineering Matters.

Primarily, the Centre will provide a transparent and accountable mechanism for the formulation of policy positions on energy issues by drawing on the expertise and experience of IChemE members.

Secondly, it will showcase current work by chemical engineers across the Chemical Engineering Matters energy ‘vista’, and the importance of the systems thinking approach that the profession deploys in response to the sustainable energy challenge.

The Centre will have an international outlook and policy positions will be tailored for relevance to individual IChemE membership countries.

IChemE president, Geoff Maitland, said:  “We all need fuel for heating, cooking and transport. Electricity is required to power industry and commerce, operate equipment and light our lives.  Chemical engineering matters in every single part of the energy landscape and we must be confident in our response to the energy challenge.

“The creation of the Energy Centre will give us a stronger voice in the energy debate and I urge members to get involved.”

IChemE director of policy, Andy Furlong, added: “Meeting the global demand for energy presents a crucial challenge in the decades ahead. The main energy sources on which humanity has relied to date are finite and maintaining security of supply is a priority.

“On top of this comes the climate change dilemma and the need to drastically reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. IChemE’s Energy Centre will highlight sustainable chemical engineering solutions to these challenges.”

The Centre will be formally launched in March 2015. To support this process, IChemE is establishing a steering group to guide its formation and initial work programme.  The group will co-ordinate the production of consultation papers and formulate policy positions for sign-off by IChemE Council.

The group will comprise ten volunteers drawn from the IChemE membership. These volunteers will reflect the diversity of expertise, backgrounds and geographic spread of members.

Volunteers will be expected to commit to a two year position on the group. Virtual meetings will be held every two months, and members will also be expected to contribute to the work of the Centre in between these meetings.

Expressions of interest for appointment to the IChemE Energy Centre steering group are sought from IChemE chartered members and fellows. Please send a CV, accompanied by a short statement (no more than 500 words) outlining your areas of expertise and your interest in the Energy Centre, to Luke Hughes via by 31 January 2015.

The steering group will be confirmed by IChemE Council by the end of February 2015.

All inquiries about the Energy Centre should be directed to Luke Hughes.