What does a career in chemical engineering look like?
The resources listed below showcase the diversity that a career in chemical engineering can offer.
If you’re a school student interested in finding out about careers in chemical engineering, you can find more information in our DiscoverChemEng area.

Global Careers Day
Held on 18 October 2022, the Global Careers Day featured speakers from all over the world on a variety of topics. View the recordings from all 14 webinars.

Video series: Your career in chemical engineering
Watch IChemE members share their career journeys in this new video series.

Blog series: Your career in chemical engineering
Chemical engineers share their career journeys across a range of sectors.

Industry Insights
Hosted by IChemE's members groups, these recorded webinars feature detailed accounts from a variety of speakers on their own experiences within industries in their regions.

Virtual Careers Fair
View these recorded sessions from the inaugural IChemE Virtual Careers Fair which took place on 20-21 October 2021.

Career paths
The Chemical Engineer's 'Career Paths' series profiles a variety of engineers who explain what chemical engineering skills they use day-to-day, advice on transferable skills for moving between sectors, and what drives them to do the job they do.

Careers in chemical engineering
This series of articles written by Yasmin Ali on behalf of The Chemical Engineer showcases a diverse range of career opportunities.

Chemical engineering careers in the bioeconomy
A selection of career profiles to highlight the wide range of opportunities available to chemical engineers working in the bioeceonomy.

Watch IChemE members share their passion for chemical engineering.