Presidential Blog: No half measures

21st January 2025
The latest thoughts and updates from IChemE President Mark Apsey MBE.
2025 is halfway through a decade which – by common consent - requires urgent action if we are to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. Progress so far is slow. The World Meteorological Organization has said 2024 was the hottest year on record and the recent tragic wildfires in California are a stark reminder of the real consequences for people and livelihoods if we fail to act quickly. Yet we must remain optimistic and keep in mind that chemical engineers are uniquely placed to find technical solutions across industrial sectors and inform policy that enables positive action. We can make a difference. And I believe we are.
In December, I chaired a roundtable event at the House of Commons hosted by IChemE member and MP Chris McDonald. We brought together leading chemical engineers and representatives from academia, consulting, and other expert institutions for a discussion covering the role of chemical and process engineers in driving progress, the workforce challenges in this area, and the importance of cheap, clean energy to British industry.
I know members are determined that IChemE engage with policymakers and other influencers in an effort to inform effective policy related to industry and STEM. We are committed to this. In January, we are convening an expert group to discuss cybersecurity and another in February on chemical defossilisation. We are also planning a joint get-together of the presidents and CEOs of professional engineering institutions to enhance collaboration.
January marks the halfway point of my presidential year. I’m encouraged by the significant progress we’ve made in that time with our DiscoverChemEng campaign, launch of our virtual work experience platform, increased member benefits and much more. Volunteering is very rewarding and I’d urge others to put themselves forward to help shape IChemE and the profession. Nominations for vacancies on the Board of Trustees and Congress will open on 11 February. Please look out for an email on how you can participate.
I always welcome any feedback, and value any input or ideas – you can contact me at
Previous presidential blogs
- December 2024 - Recognising the present (and future) of chemical engineering
- October 2024 - The hard work continues
- September 2024 - Making connections, celebrating excellence, and raising the profile of the profession
- August 2024 - Planning for the future
- July 2024 - An exciting first month