Self-cleaning system creates clean water for Malaysian villagers - IChemE Water Award Winner 2018

12th April 2019
The University of Malaya and Berqat Mechanic Engineering won the IChemE Global Awards 2018 in the Water Award category for their project – Self-Cleaning Ultrafiltration System Producing Clean Water.
Together they have transformed the lives of people living in rural villages who haven’t had access to clean water for many years. They have designed an automated, self-cleaning, mobile ultrafiltration system, which has been installed in remote villages in Malaysia to produce clean water from various sources without the use of chemicals.
Find out more about their project in this video.
If you have an exciting chemical engineering project in the water sector, why not enter the Water Award category in the IChemE Global Awards 2019.
Entries are now open until 12 July. Visit:
This video was produced by CMA Video.