Shaping the chemical engineers of the future – IChemE Training and Development Award Winner 2018

11th July 2019
Recognising the need to address the skills gap in the nuclear industry, Energus, UK set up the nucleargraduates programme, under licence to the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority.
For this, they took home the trophy in the Training and Development category at the IChemE Global Awards 2018.
This bespoke programme allows graduates to tailor their own scheme to best suit their training and development needs.
Energus works with organisations from all nuclear sector and supply chains to identify the skill shortages, and focus on training environmental scientists, chemical engineers, and cyber engineers.
Kathryn Walker from Energus, shares her delight at winning the award. Watch here:
Have you got a training scheme worthy of an IChemE Global Award 2019? Nominations are open until 12 July 2019.
Find out more information and enter online at:
This video was produced by CMA Video.