New Zealand
Joint Appita and IChemE Technical Meeting

- Date From 7th July 2021
- Date To 7th July 2021
- Price Members: $45 Non-members: $55
- Location Copthorne Hotel, Fenton Street, Rotorua
The IChemE Waikato/Bay of Plenty regional group would like to invite members to the annual Appita and IChemE technical meeting. This includes the opportunity to enjoy a buffet dinner before the technical programme.
Technical programme
Mary Helliwell and Rachel Grobecker, Geo40
Geo40 — from Shipping Container to World First Plant
This presentation will cover the journey from concept to commercialisation of Geo40's silica recovery technology. This includes the challenges of developing a mineral recovery process in a geothermal environment and the opportunities it presents for the geothermal operators. Finally, it will touch on the market for recovered silica and how it could have a major positive impact on the environment.
Grant Smith, Director, Ecogas
Development of a Market-based Anaerobic Digestion (AD) Facility in New Zealand
This presentation provides some insights into the AD world and how Ecogas has applied this waste to energy technology to New Zealand's changing energy and farming markets. There are three phases of our development process that are explained further:
- site selection and development consenting
- core process design decisions and options
- product development and quality management.
Each of these development area summaries will highlight how the changing market environment and substitution of higher emissions energy, and high energy products with more sustainable technologies, is both challenging and enlightening for emerging green businesses entering into different mature market sectors.
The material presented has not been peer-reviewed. Any opinions are the presenters' own and do not necessarily represent those of IChemE or the New Zealand Member Group. The information is given in good faith but without any liability on the part of IChemE.
*This is not an IChemE event and as such the Institution will not be storing or controlling any data linked to this event. If you have any concerns or questions about how your data is stored please contact the event organisers directly.
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