Tyneside (UK)
Tyneside Member Group Annual Meeting and BowTie Safety Talk

- Date From 19th April 2023
- Date To 19th April 2023
- Price Free of charge, open to all.
- Location Monument Suite, Grey Street Hotel, 2–12 Grey Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE1 6AE
IChemE Tyneside Member Group cordially invites you to join us in celebrating our achievements in the years post Covid. Whether you're a student, looking to going back into chemical engineering, pursuing a research career, working in industry or consultancy, or a retired engineer, we would like to welcome you join us to hear about an exciting program of events for the coming year.
At the event we have organised a safety talk on Barrier based risk management by leading industry expert Paul McCulloch who is a consultant assisting organisations to understand the risk and manage the risk effectively.
Also, at the meeting we will be appointing a new Treasurer as well as inviting volunteers to help us as we look to advance our profession and engage with a thriving and enthusiastic group in our region.
Paul McCulloch, Barrier-based Risk Management Consultant, CGE Risk Management Solutions
Paul is working with CGE Risk Management Solutions Partners and clients to implement bowtie risk management programs to match their needs and to support them along their journey.
Previously he worked within E.ON Next Generation business, as the process safety specialist in the process safety group and is chief architect of E.ON's award winning process safety project using bowties and BowTie Server from CGE.
Before joining E.ON he spent four years as a process safety specialist with ABB Engineering Services delivering solutions to their clients in petrochemical/oil and gas/power and speciality chemical industries. Key focus was technical process safety - consequence modelling, ALARP assessment, SIL assessment and hazard study leadership.
Prior to being a process safety specialist, he worked for fourteen years on a number of petrochemical and speciality chemical production facilities. The bulk of his career time was spent working for ICI or divested ICI businesses in the north east of England, being employed in a number of technical support, project management roles and ultimately moving into plant management. Nearly all of the facilities he worked on were classified as COMAH upper tier sites by the HSE and fourteen years in operations on these types of site has given him a good understand of elements that are process safety and this naturally lead to specialising into process safety.
The material presented has not been peer-reviewed. Any opinions are the presenters' own and do not necessarily represent those of IChemE or the Tyneside Member Group. The information is given in good faith but without any liability on the part of IChemE.
- 17.30 – Registration
- 17.45 – Introduction to the event by Martyn Dixon
- 18.00 – Safety Presentation by Paul McCulloch
- 18.45 – Reflection and Q&A with Audience
- 19.00 – Announcements on future events / Election for vacant positions
- 19.15 – Concluding remarks / Event close by Dr Pier-Paolo Greco
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