Western Australia (AU)
Webinar: Mineralogical Analysis and Carbocatalytic Reduction for Extraction of Copper and Cobalt from Slag Waste

- Date From 2nd May 2024
- Date To 2nd May 2024
- Price Free of charge.
- Location Online: 17:00 AWST. Duration: 40 minutes.
Copper slag waste is a significant cobalt and copper resource. The recovery of these metals from slag waste has the potential to significantly increase their supply, which is critical for facilitating the transition to green energy, while also addressing environmental concerns associated with slag waste disposal. However, the complex mineral composition of copper slag poses a significant challenge.
This presentation describes a novel carbocatalytic reduction process that transforms the complex silicate structure in copper slag waste to an amorphous structure, releasing metallic phases that can be efficiently extracted using hydrometallurgy.
Tina Phiri Chanda
Tina Phiri Chanda is a PhD candidate in metallurgical engineering at Murdoch University and a Schlumberger Foundation Faculty for the Future Scholar. Tina has over 14 years of teaching and practical industrial experience in both the public and private sectors, with 18 publications in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings.
In 2024 Tina won the IChemE Postgraduate Research Excellence Award. Tina is the Vice President of the Murdoch University Postgraduate Student Association, a mentor, and an advocate for girls and women in STEM.
The material presented in this webinar has not been peer-reviewed. Any opinions are the presenter's own and do not necessarily represent those of IChemE or the Western Australia Member Group. The information is given in good faith but without any liability on the part of IChemE.
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