Fluid Mixing Processes
Fluid Mixing Processes Special Interest Group Annual Research Student Competition

- Date From 10th January 2024
- Date To 10th January 2024
- Price From £10.00
- Location School of Chemical Engineering, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, B15 2TT.
We are hosting the annual research student competition which brings together young PhD researchers in the area of fluid mixing processes to present their latest work.
This competition is open to all research students studying at a UK university in the field of mixing, which covers topics such as single/multiphase flow and mixing at different scales, numerical methods, scaling and microfluidics approaches, up and downstream equipment design and operation, mixing in bio and pharmaceutical processes and various aspects of the application of mixing technology to manufacturing.
The winner of the competition will receive a £1,000 cash prize sponsored by Syngenta to support attendance at the Mixing XXVIII & ISMIP 11 Conference, to be held on 24–27 June 2024 in Alberta, Canada. This conference is organised jointly by The North American Mixing Forum (NAMF) and The International Symposium on Mixing in Industrial Processes (ISMIP).
Accepted abstracts from postgraduate students enrolled in a doctoral programme at a UK Higher Education Institution will be automatically entered for the prizes.
This meeting provides a valuable opportunity to network with academic and industrial practitioners in the field of mixing.

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