Leadership in fundamental research, knowledge and competence in process safety is essential.
Senior leaders in an organisation must set the expectations and demonstrate their commitment in everyday actions. Process safety leadership underpins inherently safer engineering and design and robustly engineered safety systems. It supports and upholds the continued evolution of systems and procedures for maintaining safer process operations.
These are sustained by best practice in the assurance of process safety in a changing environment, taking full account of the contributions of human factors, behaviours and external influences.
This shapes the prevailing culture in the workplace and in society at large to build a common understanding of risk issues. It also develops and utilises new ways for cost-effective and sustainable risk reduction in the process industries.
This framework focuses on leadership within the organisation and how it interacts with day to day management. It does not explain the corporate governance of an organisation, though the framework has been mapped to Corporate governance for process safety - guidance for senior leaders in high hazard industries.
This simplification of management of process safety is done in an effort to make the concepts accessible to a wide audience. It serves as a road map to show basic concepts and their application. It is not intended to diminish the technical aspects of process safety or risk management.
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