Stay Safe Column

Process Safety: It's not impossible that it's possible

Our tendency to underestimate the likelihood of rare occurrences can lead us to dismiss the possibility of process safety incidents.

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Process Safety - Manage the only constant: Change

Understanding the two kinds of change, deliberate and creeping, will aid you in keeping your facility a safe place to work.

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Process Safety: Embrace Challenges, Recognise Limits, Manage Risks

It is crucial to operate within our professional boundaries and effectively mitigate risks when operating beyond them.

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The Differences between experiences and learning in Process Safety

Daily experiences vary, but key events hold lessons. Reflection is vital for learning and shaping success.

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Process Safety: Don't let Risk Management falter

A deep understanding of risks empowers us to make informed decisions.

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Prevent Process Safety Incidents by Identifying Weak Signals

Weak signals occur all around us every day, but we often either fail to notice them – or their significance. It might be an unexpected or unexplainable alarm, a lead indicator that may be easily dismissed as false, or an observation by a worker.

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Process Safety: Prepare for the Worst

Ensure your employees are trained to respond to an emergency so their response is second nature.

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Process Safety: Understand the difference between On-Spec and Fit for Purpose

Consider how changes impact the system and process safety.

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Process Safety: What Are Your Shell Middens?

Storytelling as a means of communication is a valuable tool to help people learn and retain important lessons. It is not about making things up but rather creating a memorable interaction.

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