Warner Medal

The Warner Medal is presented to an individual, normally in the early stages of their career, who has shown exceptional promise in the field of sustainable chemical process technology, nuclear technology, combatting climate change, in making chemical engineering more accessible to a wider scientific community and in working with organisations and the lay public to educate and inform (‘outreach’ activities).

Sir Frederick Warner was a former IChemE president (1966), a founding member of Royal Academy of Engineering in the UK and a key member of the team investigating the Chernobyl disaster. He received many awards and accolades during his long and distinguished career. The Warner Medal was set up in 2010.

Whilst it is considered to be an ‘early career’ award, periods ‘away’ from professional chemical engineering activities will be taken into consideration when scoring a nomination. ‘Early career’ for this Prize means no more than 10 years of professional service after receiving the most recent degree in chemical engineering or a related field by the nomination deadline.

Nominations for the Warner Medal will be considered by a panel of experts, who will recommend a winner to IChemE’s Medals and Prizes Committee for ratification.

Criteria this medal will be judged against are:

  1. contribution to scientific advances - significantly moving the state of the art on the specific topic
  2. originality and impact made within and outside field
  3. value of outreach and/or advocacy work undertaken by the nominee
  4. number and quality of relevant publications and/or technical documents produced which can include conference appearances.

How to nominate

To make a nomination, open the online nomination form and complete the information requested, paying attention to the criteria the medal will be judged against. The closing date for nominations is 31 October 2024.

Please note the following:

  • additional documents submitted outside the information provided in the nomination form will not be considered by the judges (unless specified otherwise)
  • we do not accept self-nominations
  • we do not accept nominations for sitting members of the Board of Trustees
  • unless indicated otherwise, medals/prizes are generally awarded to individuals — a single medal shall be presented in all cases.

Contact medals@icheme.org for more information.

Medal winners 2011—2023
  • 2023 — M Materazzi
  • 2020 — S Eslava
  • 2018 — D Randall
  • 2016 — K A Mumford
  • 2014 — C Petit
  • 2013 — V Ting
  • 2011 — B Salisbury