
  1. Select your course(s) for approval
  2. Contact us for a quotation
  3. Download, complete and send application form(s) for each course to be approved
  4. Email application(s) to


The approval application fee is payable at the start of the process. This fee is non-refundable, even if the course is not approved. Approval lasts for three years.

What you will pay per course:

  • 1 course per year — £1,650 + VAT per course (equivalent to £550 per year)
  • 2—3 courses per year — £1,375 + VAT per course (equivalent to £458 per year)
  • 4+ courses per year — £1,100 + VAT per course (equivalent to £366 per year)

Additional courses must be submitted within three months of first application. Email for more information and a quotation.