IChemE leads conversation in Westminster about engineering a sustainable world

11th September 2024
On 10 September, IChemE hosted an event with the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee, looking at how engineers can contribute to achieving a more sustainable world.
To take the voice of chemical engineering to the heart of Westminster, IChemE partnered with the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee to hold an event on the topic 'In the next Parliament and beyond, how can engineers contribute to achieving a more sustainable world?’. The Committee exists to provide a liaison between parliamentarians and scientific bodies, science-based industry and the academic world, providing the perfect venue for this discussion.
The standing-room only event took place at the Wilson Room in Portcullis House in Westminster and featured a panel with IChemE President Mark Apsey MBE, Chris McDonald MP, Maddie Dinwoodie from EngineeringUK, and Nick Starkey from the Royal Academy of Engineering. The audience included parliamentarians, policy professionals, researchers and figures from industry.
This event allowed IChemE to bring together a conversation on a number of key topics that cut across engineering, to raise our voice as chemical engineers, and to network with politicians and key policy professionals. It was a fantastic opportunity to raise our profile as an organisation and to champion some of the key asks from our 'Engineering a Sustainable World - the Chemical Engineering Challenge' report. Looking forward, we will be building on the success of this event and continuing to engage in Parliament to raise our profile.
Find out more about the work of the IChemE policy team.
What is chemical engineering?
Chemical, biochemical and process engineering is the application of science, mathematics and economics in the process of turning raw materials into everyday, and more specialist, products. Professional chemical engineers design, construct and manage process operations all over the world. Energy, pharmaceuticals, food and drink, synthetic fibres and clean drinking water are just some of the industry sectors and products where chemical engineering plays a central role.
The Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) advances chemical engineering's contribution for the benefit of society. We facilitate the development of chemical engineering professionals and provide connections to a powerful network of around 30,000 members in more than 100 countries.
We support our members in applying their expertise and experience to make an influential contribution to solving major global challenges, and are the only organisation permitted to award Chartered Chemical Engineer status and Professional Process Safety Engineer registration.