Robin Turney
Following graduation from Loughborough University, Robin joined ICI where he held positions in design, commissioning, plant operations and business management in both the UK and Germany. For over 30 years he specialised in process safety and in ICI Corporate Engineering was responsible for developing the company’s corporate standard on hazard studies and risk assessment.
On leaving ICI, Robin joined the European Process Safety Centre as Technical Director where his roles included chairing the European Union’s ‘PRISM’ project, an international collaboration on human factors in the process industries. He has strongly supported the work of the Institution, as a committee member and then chairman of the Loss Prevention Panel. He also chaired the group developing the training courses, ‘Fundamentals of Process Safety’ and ‘Process Safety and the Board’. For a number of years, Robin represented the Institution on the European Federation of Chemical Engineers (EFCE) Loss Prevention Working Party.
Currently, he is a member of the Safety & Loss Prevention SIG. Between 1998 and 2000 he served on the UK’s Health and Safety Commission. As well as authoring peer reviewed papers he co-edited the book ‘Risk Assessment in the Process Industries’.
Whilst no longer practicing in process safety, Robin is keen to assist in increasing member’s involvement in the Institutions process safety activities.
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