Safely storing nuclear waste - IChemE Industry Project Award Winner 2019
26th May 2020
At the IChemE Global Awards 2019, Sellafield received the Industry Project Award for their project Safe Retrieval of Legacy Nuclear Waste.
Historically, there were no facilities in place to store nuclear waste safely. Sellafield Ltd undertook a large-scale project to remove the hazardous waste and debris from the open ponds transferring this into safe storage facilities. This was only possible with the collective knowledge of chemical engineers who were all integral to the project.
Learn more from Simon Degler and Nick Elliott who are delighted to be recognised for their achievements in this video:
Has your organisation implemented an exciting project related to construction of new industrial plant or enhancement of existing facilities? If so, enter now for the IChemE Global Awards 2020.
Entries are now open until 26 June 2020. Visit:
This video was produced by CMA Video.