London and South East Coast Young (UK)
Industry Insights

- Date From 8th December 2022
- Date To 8th December 2022
- Price Free of charge, open to all.
- Location Queen Anne Building, Room QA175, University of Greenwich, London, SE10 9LS.
The IChemE London and South East Coast Young Members Group invites you to attend this Industry Insights event. This event will host a variety of speakers with a diverse range of chemical engineering backgrounds to share their unique career paths and experiences.
Gain an insight into industry and academia from professionals.
You will be delivered detailed accounts of their personal experience in both industry and academia along with some useful tips and guidance they have picked up along the way. This will be an interactive event including a dedicated Q&A at the end with the panellists, which is an incredible opportunity to utilise the expertise of the speakers.
The event is open to all but will be most beneficial for current undergraduates, recent graduates, and those early in their career journey.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Dr Pablo García-Triñanes, Associate Professor in Chemical Engineering, University of Greenwich
Pablo is an associate professor in chemical engineering at the University of Greenwich. He has been instrumental in bringing the discipline of chemical engineering to Medway Campus. Prior to joining the University of Greenwich, Pablo was a post-doctoral fellow in the Department of Chemical and Process Engineering at the University of Surrey, working in the European project CSP2 and later on in a collaborative project with Unilever Research & Development Plc.
Maryam Gharebaghi, Principal Process Engineer, Worley
Maryam Gharebaghi is born and bred in Tehran, Iran, studied internationally before settling down in Scotland as a process engineer in the oil and gas industry. She completed her chemical engineering degree at the University of Tehran, worked for few years as a graduate engineer in a consultant company. Then she did a mechanical engineering master’s degree at the Eastern Mediterranean University in Cyprus. She studied for her PhD at Leeds University before she moved to Aberdeen where she volunteered in a charity book shop prior to her decision to apply for jobs in the oil and gas sector.
Jack Boddy, Industrial Engineering Manager, Mars
Jack graduated with a Masters in Chemical Engineering from Bath University, he then join Mars Inc as part of the Engineering Graduate Scheme and has stayed with them in a variety of local, regional and global roles for the last 12 years.
Arran Marais-Gilchrist, Chartered Senior Process Engineer, GSK
Arran has an MSci in Chemistry from the University of Bristol, and an MSc in Chemical Engineering from Imperial College London. He joined GSK’s Chemical Engineering graduate scheme in 2014, holding roles in pharmaceutical production support, project work, process safety auditing and process commissioning. Since 2018, he has led the process re-design of a major renovation project at GSK, from feasibility to construction.
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