London and South East Coast Young (UK)
Get Chartered Event

30th March 2022
The IChemE Get Chartered event was held virtually on 17 March 2022. The event was organised by the London and South East Coast Young Members Forum.
Victoria Tori Darcy, IChemE Regional Support Executive, presented the latest updates on the process to get chartered, explained in detail the benefits and requirements for the CEng application, and gave specific examples and tips for each section of the C&C report and the interview process.
Almost 30 young professionals and associate members (AMIChemE) from all around the region joined the event. Victoria provided tailored answers to several stimulating questions raised from the audience and shared useful documentations for further guidance at the end of the event. The most important message was that if you are interested in becoming chartered in the future, it is vital to become familiar with the process and start gathering relevant information from early on.
If you are a young chemical engineer, an undergraduate, master or postgraduate chemical engineering student based in the London and South East area, please join our group to receive more information about our next events or follow us on @YMFLSE or LinkedIn.
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