London and South East Coast Young (UK)
Lets Talk About Mental Health and Safety Webinar

3rd September 2021
The IChemE London & South East Young Members Forum held a webinar on Mental Health and Safety on 3 March 2021 via GoToWebinar platform. The presenter was Nigel Bowker.
Nigel Bowker specialised in process safety on a role as a consultant during which he developed the concept of Mental Safety. Nigel presented statistics on reported mental health injuries in the last few decades in the UK and provided a few points that could help organisations put barriers in place to protect employees’ mental health.
Around 30 young professionals from all around the region joined the event. Nigel answered all the questions from the audience in a timely manner.
You can find the recording of the webinar in the archive on our website.
If you are a young chemical engineer, an undergraduate, master or postgraduate chemical engineering student based in the London and South East area, please join our group to receive more information about our next events or follow us on Twitter @YMFLSE or LinkedIn.
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