New Zealand
Events archive
Northland Site Visit to Golden Bay Cement
New Zealand
Join the Northland regional group on a site visit to Golden Bay Cement to view the recently commissioned tyre project.
Taranaki End of Year Networking
New Zealand
IChemE Taranaki Regional Members Group would like to invite members to our end of year social event.
Webinar: Wellbeing Workshop: From Burnout to Balance - Driving Positive Change
New Zealand
We would like to invite you to a one hour interactive workshop on Wellbeing by Design - what builds you up, what breaks you down, and how to drive positive change in your own life and organisation.
Webinar: Auckland Floating Solar Array
New Zealand
This webinar will discuss Watercare's Floating Solar Array.
Webinar: Career Diversity - Insurance Sector
New Zealand
Continuing their series on career transitions the Auckland regional group present a webinar on the insurance sector and how chemical engineers can play a role.
New Zealand Member Group Annual Meeting
New Zealand
The annual meeting will be held in Christchurch.
Webinar: Roads to Water
A webinar hosted by IChemE's Water Special Interest Group.
Webinar: Future Trends in Process Safety Management Forum
New Zealand
The New Zealand Members Group would like to invite you to our Future Trends in Process Safety Management Forum. This free event will be held online and is open to both members and non-members.
Webinar: Potentially Hazardous Installations – A Lesson from Hong Kong
New Zealand
The webinar will discuss hazard assessment and land use planning in the vicinity of major hazard facilities.
Webinar: Launching a Career in the Space Industry
New Zealand
This webinar will discuss the role chemical engineers can play in the space industry and how you can get involved if you are interested.
Bees-R-Us Visit and Year End Get Together
New Zealand
Please join us for a visit to Bees-R-Us followed by the end of your get together.
Webinar: Fellows Function
Queensland (AU)
Join us as we celebrate our current Fellows and acknowledge our newly appointed members.