Queensland (AU)
Webinar: Carbon emissions pinch analysis (CEPA) for decarbonisation of Malaysia power generation sector

- Date From 5th May 2020
- Date To 5th May 2020
- Price Free
- Location Online
Many countries committed to reduce their carbon emissions under the Paris Agreement. These voluntary cuts, known as intended nationally determined contributions (INDCs), are meant to limit temperature rise to no more than 2°C by the year 2100. Above this threshold, climate change will become catastrophic.
The problem is that deep emissions cuts are needed to achieve this goal; according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the world’s net carbon emissions need to be reduced to zero by mid-century. Developing countries with Paris Agreement pledges face the challenge of meeting both their economic growth goals with their INDCs.
Economic growth will increase energy consumption, which in turn will raise emissions unless new technologies are used. Energy technologies with very low or zero carbon emissions already exist commercially, and are competitive under some conditions, while next-generation technologies with negative carbon emissions are still over the horizon.
The decision to actually use low-, zero- or negative-emissions technologies requires the decision makers to balance economic, environmental and societal goals, while using specialist information from scientists.
Tools to aid high-level decision-making through “big picture” visualisation can make this task easier. Carbon emissions pinch analysis (CEPA) is a graphical technique that can allow the energy-climate nexus to be analysed visually.
In this webinar, it will be shown how CEPA can be used to plan for the decarbonisation of Malaysia power generation sector.
Dominic Foo, Professor of Process Design and Integration, The University of Nottingham Malaysia
Dominic is a Professor of Process Design and Integration at the University of Nottingham Malaysia, and is the Founding Director for the Centre of Excellence for Green Technologies.
He is the President for the Asia Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering (APCChE), a Fellow of the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE), a Fellow of the Academy of Science Malaysia, a Chartered Engineer with the UK Engineering Council, a Professional Engineer with the Board of Engineer Malaysia.
Apart from being the Editor-in-Chief for Process Integration and Optimization for Sustainability, he also serves as Subject Editor for Process Safety & Environmental Protection, and editorial board members for several other renowned journals.
He is the winner of the IChemE Innovator of the Year Award 2009, Young Engineer Award 2010, Outstanding Young Malaysian Award 2012, Outstanding Asian Researcher and Engineer 2013 and Top Research Scientist Malaysia 2016.
Dominic is an active author, with more than 160 papers, and eight books. His latest book is about carbon emission pinch analysis.
The material presented has not been peer-reviewed. Any opinions are the presenters' own and do not necessarily represent those of IChemE or the Queensland Member Group. The information is given in good faith but without any liability on the part of IChemE.
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