Queensland (AU)

Webinar: The Importance of Designing Pressure Safety Valves for Normal Operation

Webinar: The Importance of Designing Pressure Safety Valves for Normal Operation
  • Date From 30th April 2020
  • Date To 30th April 2020
  • Price Free
  • Location Online


This presentation discusses how this can lead to a serious safety incident and impacts the performance of other PSVs at the site. 

The investigation identified that the original process design missed multiple opportunities to adopt inherently safer designs, because the inability for a valve design to meet both emergency and normal operation requirement was not well understood, and the risk of an unreliable PSV was not considered.

The webinar demonstrates Minyu's own learning on the importance of sharing knowledge between operators, designers, relief device manufacturers and valve service providers to understand:

  • the limitations of PSV design
  • the normal and routine operation scenarios that need to be considered in the design and selection of PSVs
  • the limitation of proof testing of PSVs.


Minyu Miao is a Chartered Process Engineer with over 10 years’ experience.  She began her career as a design engineer at WorleyParsons, then moved to a site engineering role with Lochard Energy at the Iona Gas Plant, located in Port Campbell, Victoria.   

In her current role as the site Process Safety Engineer, she spends her days investigating incidents and near misses, and driving process safety knowledge and improvement across the site. 

The material presented has not been peer-reviewed. Any opinions are the presenters' own and do not necessarily represent those of IChemE or the Queensland Member Group. The information is given in good faith but without any liability on the part of IChemE.

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