Queensland (AU)
Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage: Challenges, Opportunities and Outlook

- Date From 27th April 2022
- Date To 27th April 2022
- Price Members: $10.00AUD. Non-members: $40.00AUD. Online: Free.
- Location QUT Gardens Point Campus, 2 George Street Brisbane City, QLD 4000.
The Joint Chemical Engineering Committee (JCEC) QLD welcomes you to this panel session on carbon capture.
Carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) is the process of capturing carbon dioxide (CO2) before it is released to the atmosphere. The technology involves capturing CO2 produced by industrial plants and then recycling the CO2 for utilisation (CCU) or compressing it for transportation and then injecting it deep into a rock formation at a carefully selected and safe site, where it is permanently stored (CCS).
CCUS is essential to the achievement of global climate change mitigation targets. Analysis by the International Energy Agency, the International Panel on Climate Change and others conclude that the lowest cost pathway to deep reductions in global emissions requires the deployment of a portfolio of low emission technologies including CCUS. To limit global warming to two degrees celsius, 140 billion tonnes of CO2 must be captured and stored between 2020 and 2060. Production of clean hydrogen from methane or coal with CCUS provides a further pathway for the decarbonisation of industry. This is the lowest cost method for clean hydrogen production. As Australia reduces CO2 emissions, CCUS can protect and create more skilled and high value jobs in communities and regions with strengths in production of traditional sources of energy.
This technical presentation will explore:
- What is CO2CRC? - The role of CO2CRC
- What is CCUS? Whole of life-cycle of CCUS
- Potential role of CCUS in achieving NZ50?
- Capturing CO2 - High level economics
- CCUS landscape in AUS & Opportunities for QLD
- Case study/Current Developments at the Otway International Test Centre
Kwong Soon Chan, Senior Manager, CO2CRC
KS is a chemical engineer, having received his undergraduate degree from Universiti Tecknologi Malaysia (UTM). He is a senior manager for CO2CRC where he works with researchers from organisations across Australia, North America and Europe to collaborate on emission reduction initiatives including carbon capture, storage and utilisation (CCUS) and other low carbon solutions.
Prior to CO2CRC, KS has more than 25 years of professional experience working in the oil and gas industry in various roles and capacities ranging from downstream to upstream, from process engineer, field engineer to integrated project manager (IPM) besides senior management roles in Schlumberger and Baker Hughes.
His significant achievements in CCUS include contributing towards successful CCUS technology testing and demonstration in CO2CRC’s Otway International Test Centre (OITC) which has been a centrepiece of CCUS technology advancement in Australia and internationally for more than 15 years.
He is also the senior manager responsible for the hydrogen purification part of the world-first hydrogen energy supply chain (HESC) project.
The material presented has not been peer-reviewed. Any opinions are the presenters' own and do not necessarily represent those of IChemE or the Queensland Member Group. The information is given in good faith but without any liability on the part of IChemE.
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