Biochemical Engineering

About us

IChemE’s Biochemical Engineering Special Interest Group provides an international forum for the technical and professional development of biochemical engineering for industrial practitioners, academics and students.


  • promote biochemical engineering as a key discipline and encourage interaction between all professionals involved in this diverse field
  • assist biochemical engineers in their professional development and provide resources for training and the acquisition of new skills
  • support national and international initiatives and define best industrial practices
  • act as a focal point for all those interested in the process aspects of biotechnology and the emerging field of regenerative medicine.


  • conferences, seminars, workshops and site visits
  • quarterly newsletter
  • website with member-only areas providing access to extensive resources
  • bursaries to support student attendance at conferences
  • award of IChemE’s Donald Medal for outstanding services to biochemical engineering
  • networking via events and discussion forum
  • representation of professional interests.

Joining Instructions

Access to this group is a member exclusive benefit. To join the group and receive notifications of activities, log in and click the 'Join Now' button at the top of the page.

Contact us

Need some help? Contact us through our member group support team.

Members of the Biochemical Engineering special interest group may be interested in the Sustainability Hub – peer-reviewed knowledge and free on-demand training focusing on all things sustainability.

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