Clean Energy

David Lemon
David graduated with a Bachelor of Technology degree in Mechanical Engineering from Brunel University. His career took him to Lucas Industries as Development Group Leader, Ricardo Consulting Engineers as Chief Engineer-Light Duty Diesel and the Energy Saving Trust as Head of Technical Services.
He started his own consultancy in 2003. His main technical interests are in alternative and renewable fuels and low carbon transport systems. He is a Fellow of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, an Associate Fellow of the Institution of Chemical Engineers, a Visiting Senior Fellow at the University of Sussex and a member of the Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership where he also sits on the Members’ Council.
He is married with 2 sons. His many outside interests include steam railways, vintage buses, light aircraft, rugby and football. He plays squash and golf and has a large collection of fretted musical instruments. Originally classically trained on voice and guitar, he still performs solo and in bands.
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