Clean Energy
HyDeploy and the UK's First Hydrogen Exemption

- Date From 7th June 2019
- Date To 7th June 2019
- Price Free of charge
- Location Online
The HyDeploy project is the UKs first hydrogen deployment project which was successfully granted the UKs first hydrogen exemption to blend hydrogen into the gas grid by the HSE in November 2018. The webinar will provide an overview of the evidence base that was generated to support the exemption application, which was an 18-month process comprising of desk, laboratory and field research. The four main technical areas investigated were; appliances; gas detection; materials; and gas characteristics, which fed into a bespoke a fault tree QRA to quantitively demonstrate that a blend of 20 vol% hydrogen is as safe as natural gas.
Alongside an overview of evidence base to support the first exemption, the future programme to support the following public trials will be described.
Thomas Isaac is a chartered chemical and mechanical engineer focused on decarbonising the UK's energy systems. Tommy’s principal focus is the project management of HyDeploy - the UK’s first hydrogen blending deployment project designed to kick start the hydrogen for heat market. Alongside this he provides strategic consulting and technical due diligence to both gas and electricity network operators.
Before developing clean energy projects Tommy was a process engineer at Fawley refinery for ExxonMobil, and prior to ExxonMobil Tommy worked for Atkins within the nuclear engineering department.
The material presented has not been peer-reviewed. Any opinions are the presenter’s own and do not necessarily represent those of IChemE or the Clean Energy Special Interest Group. The information is given in good faith but without any liability on the part of IChemE.
A one-hour online session: 40 minutes' presentation + 20 minutes' Q&A.
Duration (for CPD recording purposes): up to one hour.
If you are recording mandatory CPD you should refer to your own regulator's requirements as recognition of CPD hours may vary.
Webinar archive
This webinar is free of charge and open to all to attend, but if you wish to access the slides and a recording to replay on demand then you'll need to be a member of the Clean Energy Special Interest Group.
If you're interested in giving an online presentation to our international community of chemical engineers, we'd like to hear from you. Please email special interest groups support team with information on yourself and your proposed talk.
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