Clean Energy

Annual General Meeting

Annual General Meeting
  • Date From 9th April 2019
  • Date To 9th April 2019
  • Price Free
  • Location Design Studio 1 - D06 (36) in Pam Liversidge Building University of Sheffield, Mappin Street, S1 3JD


Our Annual General Meeting will be featured within our technical meeting "The Chemical Engineering of Electric Vehicles and Batteries". Prior to our AGM, there will be a presentation beginning at 11:10, where our 3 presenters will discuss topics concerning battery technology and energy storage. 

After our AGM and lunch the event will continue on to the Diamond Pilot Plant and Virtual Reality Site. 


  1.  Annual Report by Chairman
  2. Treasurers Report
  3. Election of Officers and Committies
  4. Any other business
  5. Presentation of the Hebden Medal


Nominations are invited for the following positions: Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Webmaster, Newsletter & Committee Members.

Current holders are all willing to stand:

  • Chair: Michael Green
  • Secretary: David Lemon
  • Treasurer: Michael Menzies
  • Webmaster: Vlad Duboviks
  • Newsletter: Stuart James

Other Committee Members: Ben Anthony, Andy Brown, Cosimo Sbano, Katie Chong, Geraint Evans, Paul Fennell, Karen Finney, Mark Hodgson, Tommy Isaac, Greg Kelsall, Rachael Hall, Jim Harrison, Thomas Powlay, Ruby Ray, Ray Sacks, Abby Samson, Sara De La Serna, Stefaan Simons & Billy Wu.

Please let the Secretary know if you are attending in person.

Any non-members who attend our AGM will be unable to provide nominations for our committee at this time. 

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