Clean Energy
Waste Utilisation to Produce Green Natural Gas

- Date From 20th November 2018
- Date To 20th November 2018
- Price Free
- Location Online
A presentation based on the technical data and commercial update of the Swindon demonstration plant of Waste to SNG. Studies have also been done on the commercial scale plant of the scheme. Both will be presented.
The demonstration plant uses plasma gasification of municipal solid waste (MSW) developed by Advanced Plasma Power which is a two stage advanced thermal conversion (ATC) technology, followed by the VESTA catalytic methanation process developed by Amec Foster Wheeler to produce SNG from syngas.
The commercial scale scheme is based on approximately 2000 TPD of UK based MSW with typical LCV of 9-10 MJ/kg. A technical evaluation and high-level cost estimation have been performed based on basic engineering design data. The waste gasification efficiency is ~85% whereas overall thermal efficiency of the plant is ~62%. The total installed cost is ~3.3 MM$/MWHHV of SNG production.
Dr. Ruby Ray is a Principal Process Engineer within Wood’s Process Technology and Consultancy Group, and has specialist expertise in gasification technology, syngas processing, waste to different product route and carbon capture and storage.
She did her Ph.D. on Gasification/Pyrolysis of vegetable market waste from Jadavpur University , India. Her post-doctoral research work done in University of Surrey was on “Plastic to Olefin Recycling Technology”. The project was funded by Ineos and the spin-off of that project is Ineos-Bio, gaining immense knowledge on plasma gasification of waste to different product while working in Advanced Plasma Power (2008-2012) based in Swindon.
She joined Foster Wheeler (known as Wood now) in 2012, and worked as Gasification specialist and has led/worked on several studies and FEED projects on waste monetisation and carbon capture. Worked on detail design of Waste to SNG plant which is under construction in Swindon.
Eight of her papers on Carbon Capture, gasification and waste to energy technology have received international publication in esteemed journals. Shehas also presented papers in several conferences and delivers lectures on Carbon Capture and Storage in Oxford University on an annual basis, and acts as an external examiner for an EngD project in University of Surrey.
The material presented has not been peer-reviewed. Any opinions are the presenter’s own and do not necessarily represent those of IChemE or the Clean Energy Special Interest Group. The information is given in good faith but without any liability on the part of IChemE.
A one-hour online session: 40 minutes' presentation + 20 minutes' Q&A.
Duration (for CPD recording purposes): up to one hour.
If you are recording mandatory CPD you should refer to your own regulator's requirements as recognition of CPD hours may vary.
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