Community Impact Forum

- Date From 26th January 2021
- Date To 26th January 2021
- Price Free of charge
- Location Online: 10:30 GMT. Duration 1.5 hours
As part of our ongoing commitment to support community engagement the Enterprise and Engagement team at Canterbury Christ Church University (CCCU) are hosting a Community Impact Forum. The forum will include a panel discussion with contributors focused on innovative fundraising, and a presentation on embracing technology to find the best digital tools for your needs, to help you and your organisation respond to the ongoing challenges we are all experiencing due to Covid-19.
The forum will include a panel discussion with a range of contributors offering their perspectives on ‘Innovative Fundraising’ and a presentation on ‘Embracing Technology’ and finding the best digital tools to meet your needs. I appreciate that the current situation is fairly challenging for us all, and I hope this event will offer support to you, and other charity and third sector organisations, as you develop your plans for 2021.
- Duncan MacIver, Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) Manager at CCCU who is responsible for development and use of learning technology within the University and has led the University's approaches to digital capabilities and digital accessibility.
- Claire Haffenden, Interim CEO at Stronger Kent Communities, developing strategic direction for SKC as well as hands on support to service users with a particular focus on fundraising.
- Carey Philpott, Business Development Manager at Sateda, exploring innovative ways to generate opportunities for SATEDA to continue their work and raise awareness of domestic abuse in our communities.
- Rachel Pilard, Marketing & Communications Manager at Canterbury Business Improvement District (BID), creating a vibrant, connected and successful community for Canterbury
- Beth Elwood, Christ Church Students' Union President (Development)supporting students and their societies to enhance all aspects of their experience and community involvement
- Susannah Gilbert, Employability and Skills Officer at CCCU engages students and recent graduates in workshops, blogs and social media to support their career preparation and development.
The material presented has not been peer-reviewed. Any opinions are the presenter’s own and do not necessarily represent those of IChemE or the Education Special Interest Group. The information is given in good faith but without any liability on the part of IChemE.
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