
Michaela Pollock
Chair, Major Hazards WG lead
Michaela is Associate Professor (Teaching) in Chemical Engineering at University College London. She leads the third-year capstone design project and leads on teaching safety across the chemical engineering degree programme.

Andrew Hoadley
Committee member
Andrew Hoadley is an Associate Professor at Monash University. He specialises in Process Integration, Process simulation and optimisation and methods to quantify and improve the sustainability of chemical processes.

Marta Granollers Mesa
Deputy Chair
Marta is currently a Senior Lecturer and Deputy Head of Department in the Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry Department at Aston University.

Wenqian Chen

Sze-Pheng Ong
Newsletter Editor
Sze-Pheng Ong is an Associate Professor in the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering at the University of Nottingham Malaysia.

Chika Nweke
Newsletter editor

Thomas Rodgers
Communications officer
Tom is the Head of Education for Chemical Engineering at The University of Manchester, a Senior Fellow of the HEA, and has a special interest in practical teaching and learning.

Brent Young
Digitalisation WG lead
Brent is a full Professor and Chair of Food and Process Systems Engineering at The University of Auckland.

Dominic Foo
SE Asia lead, Responsible Production WG lead
Dominic is a Professor of Process Design and Integration at the University of Nottingham Malaysia.

Esther Ventura-Medina
Committee member
Esther Ventura-Medina is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Chemical and Process Engineering at the University of Strathclyde (UK). She has worked before at Monash University, Australia (2013-2015) and The University of Manchester (2005-2013) in Engineering Education roles.

Jarka Glassey
Committee Member
Jarka is a Professor of Chemical Engineering Education at Newcastle University. She is actively involved in the Education and Accreditation Forum as an Experienced Executive team member with responsibility for educational development and the EFCE Working Party on Education

Adam Wood
Committee member

Cindy Lai Yeng Lee
Committee Member
Cindy Lee is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the National University of Singapore with a focus on Chemical Engineering Education and a keen interest in online and collaborative learning and teaching.

Duygu Dikicioglu

Peter Swanson
Committee Member

Stuart Prescott
Committee member

Tan Jully
Committee Member
Jully has more than ten years of teaching and leadership experience in chemical and petroleum engineering and is currently based at Monash University Malaysia.

Wayne Mohan
Americas lead

Greg Birkett
Committee member

Christopher Honig
Committee member

Carlos Ferreiro-Rangel
Committee member

Mark Heslop
Committee member

Maryam Malekshahian
Social media lead

Pradeep Murthy
Secretary & Newsletter Editor
Pradeep is a postdoctoral research fellow based at Griffith University, Gold Coast.

Ryan Oatley
UG student committee member

Vivien Thurner
UG student committee member

Becca Ferrari
Digitalisation WG lead

Jelena Brown
Student representative

Maryam Mohammad Zadeh
Webinar coordinator