Nuclear Technology
Nuclear Technology SIG relaunch - call for volunteers

9th April 2020
Following on from the membership survey last year, work has been going on behind the scenes to capture and build on the strong ongoing interest within IChemE in having a Nuclear Technology Special Interest Group.
With support from the Learned Society Committee it was decided that the most appropriate way forward is to relaunch it with a new committee. This week we have received agreement from IChemE’s finance committee for a relaunch budget so we are in a position to arrange the relaunch.
Originally the relaunch was intended to be a combination of a physical event with virtual access to enable the widest spread of membership involvement. However, given the current lockdown status in most of the countries we have membership in and the uncertainty of when things will return to normal, the working assumption is that the relaunch will be virtual only and, circumstances permitting, this will be followed up with a combined physical and virtual event later this year.
This relaunch is planned for May and further details will follow in a separate email.
In the near term we are seeking to set up the new committee. This will be a small core committee, as recommended by the members survey and the LSC, to take the NTSIG forward and, in line with IChemE rules, will be confirmed by an AGM/EGM at a later date.
The initial Committee will consist of a Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Professional Institute Links lead. Additionally co-optees to link in with the Energy Centre will also be involved. This committee will steer the relaunch and the initial forward programme of the NTSIG with the assistance of the LSC’s Energy Subject Area Lead and the IChemE team.
Volunteers are welcome for the positions on the committee.
Due to the nature of the relaunch, it is unlikely that a process of proposer and seconder would be effective. Therefore, interested individuals are being asked to self-nominate to a position with a personal statement. The statement should cover why you are volunteering for the position, what skills and experience you are bringing to the committee and how you would work with the members to take the SIG forward.
Below is a link to the webform to nominate yourself for a position. The completed statements will be made available to the membership of the SIG and an electronic vote (using MiVoice) in lieu of an initial formal AGM election will be used.
Nominations will be open for a period of two weeks starting immediately and will close on 20 April 2020. Nominations will then be collated, made available to the membership, and the online voting period opened for a further period of two weeks after which the results will be made available to the membership.
If you have any questions on the relaunch, nominations or voting please email
Thank you for your patience and ongoing membership of the NTSIG.
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