Water Special Interest Group 30th Anniversary Prize Presentations

- Date From 9th May 2019
- Date To 9th May 2019
- Price Free
- Location Online
This webinar is aimed at all water enthusiasts including process engineers, water and wastewater engineers, operations & technical staff and environmental scientists.
Olivia Bailey: Sewer Networks of the future
Rising water scarcity, pressure for sustainability and the need for water efficiency will drive reduction in water consumption and hence flow to sewer. What will be the effect on sewer systems and the way we dispose of wastewater? A new sewer design capable of transporting more concentrated wastewater could increase efficiency and sustainability of our wastewater networks. More effective sewage treatment and resource recovery could result from higher wastewater concentrations. However, sewer transport efficiency may be affected. This work outlines development and calibration of a stochastic wastewater discharge model. This will lead to a stochastic load model for accurate prediction of dynamic flow, pollutant and sedimentation changes, resulting from widespread water conservation. This is a bid to re-think sewerage to better serve communities through water conservation, resource recovery and providing a cleaner environment.
Aman Majid: Sustainable energy usage in groundwater abstraction
A growing body of literature has recently shown that water and energy systems are inextricably linked to one another. Water resources planning and management—a long-established and well developed discipline— has yet to properly explore the influences of energy policy and electricity into planning frameworks despite the widespread recognition of water-energy system inter-linkages. Our recent work has developed a methodology to integrate such features into water resources planning. In this IChemE webinar, the work from an upcoming paper will be discussed, which relates to the methodology and its application to a case-study of the Thames basin, England. Our early-stage results show: (1) optimising water resources systems based on real-time electricity prices can lower electricity usage by ~11% annually and (2) neglecting energy policies in long-term planning exercises could yield sub-optimal results when choosing optimal investment portfolios.
Olivia Bailey, Bath University & Aman Majid, Oxford University
Oliva and Aman are PhD students working in evolving areas of the UK water industry. Both were joint runners up in The Water SIG 30th Anniversary Young Presenters competition. Olivia is working in the area of managing the impact of water conservation on sewerage networks and Aman in improving electricity sustainability in groundwater abstraction.
The material presented in this webinar has not been peer-reviewed. Any opinions are the presenter's own and do not necessarily represent those of IChemE or the Water Special Interest Group. The information is given in good faith but without any liability on the part of IChemE.
A one-hour online session: 40 minutes' presentation + 20 minutes' Q&A.
Duration (for CPD recording purposes): up to one hour.
If you are recording mandatory CPD you should refer to your own regulator's requirements as recognition of CPD hours may vary.
Webinar archive
This webinar is free of charge and open to all to attend, but if you wish to access the slides and a recording to replay on demand then you'll need to be a member of the Water Special Interest Group.
If you're interested in giving an online presentation to our international community of chemical engineers, we'd like to hear from you. Please email special interest groups support team with information on yourself and your proposed talk.
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