Trustees Medal

The Trustees Medal (formerly the Council Medal) is awarded to a member volunteer who has given exceptional service on an IChemE special project*.

Any member or member of staff can make a nomination for this medal.

Nominations will be considered annually by IChemE’s Medals and Prizes Committee.

Criteria this medal will be judged against are:

  1. impact of the contribution
  2. quality of volunteer service.

*In an exceptional case, the medal can be awarded to a team.

How to nominate

To make a nomination, open the online nomination form and complete the information requested, paying attention to the criteria the medal will be judged against. The closing date for nominations is 31 October 2024.

Please note the following:

  • additional documents submitted outside the information provided in the nomination form will not be considered by the judges (unless specified otherwise)
  • we do not accept self-nominations
  • we do not accept nominations for sitting members of the Board of Trustees
  • unless indicated otherwise, medals/prizes are generally awarded to individuals — a single medal shall be presented in all cases.

Contact for more information.

Medal winners 2000—2024
  • 2024 — M Donnan
  • 2021 — J Glassey
  • 2020 — S Simons
  • 2018/19 — C Webb
  • 2017 — R Cousins
  • 2016 — R Best
  • 2015 — E Daniels
  • 2014 — K Morison
  • 2013 — D H Platts
  • 2012 — D C Shallcross
  • 2011 — P R Ellis
  • 2010 — M J Kennedy
    2010 — C P Haigh
  • 2009 — A S Puckett
  • 2008 — Mohd Ali Hashim
    2008 — D G Wood
  • 2007 — A Lees
  • 2006 — I D Shott 
  • 2005 — I D L Bogle 
    2005 — C D Grant
  • 2004 — R C Darton 
    2004 — E A Lawson
  • 2003 — K W A Guy 
  • 2002 — R C Paul
  • 2001 — J H Robinson 
  • 2000 — B J Mayo
Medal winners 1967—1999
  • 1999 — M J Bennett
  • 1998 — L J Ford
  • 1997 — D C Freshwater 
    1997 — M K Smith
  • 1996 — T M Lazenby
  • 1995 — D R Twist
  • 1994 — G F Hewitt
  • 1993 — T Stephenson
  • 1992 — L Wright
  • 1991 — V C Marshall
  • 1990 — C D Grant
  • 1989 — J R Darley
  • 1988 — R F R Towndrow 
  • 1987 — K Porter 
    1987 — J Brierley 
  • 1986 — T A Kletz
  • 1985 — J Windsor
  • 1984 — P N Rowe
  • 1983 — C Hanson 
  • 1982 — G G Haselden 
    1982 — D A B Llewellyn 
  • 1981 — P G Caudle
  • 1980 — E Rothwell
  • 1979 — G S G Beveridge
  • 1978 — K Gugan
  • 1977 — G L Wells
    1977 — C Seagrave
    1977 — R Whiteway 
  • 1976 — B L Dunsby
  • 1975 — H W Ashton
  • 1974 — C S Windebank
  • 1973 — C Hanson
    1973 — W L Wilkinson
  • 1972 — E L Streatfield
  • 1971 — T A Kantyka
  • 1970 — N A Whiffen
  • 1969 — R Edgeworth-Johnstone 
  • 1968 — J M Solbett 
    1968 — R Snel
  • 1967 — P L Baldwin