Davis Medal

The Davis Medal honours George E Davis, the founding father of the profession.

The Davis Medal is awarded to an eminent individual who has rendered exceptional service to chemical engineering. It is given not more frequently than every three years. Recent recipients include Andrew Liveris AO and Professor Roland Clift CBE in 2016.

Any member can make a nomination for this medal. Nominations should explain the eminence of the person and give a reason why they are being nominated. They will be considered by IChemE’s Medals and Prizes Committee, who will confirm the winner on the basis of the individual’s international standing and achievements.

How to nominate

Nominations for the 2026 Davis Medal will open in 2025. 

Medal winners 1965—2023
  • 2023 — A Azapagic MBE
  • 2016 — R Clift CBE
  • 2011 — A Liveris
  • 2004 — Sir D King
  • 2001 — Sir D Harrison
  • 1998 — I Robinson
  • 1991 — J Villermaux
  • 1988 — Sir G Allen
  • 1982 — Sir M Hodgson
  • 1977 — Sir D Rooke
  • 1973 — J M Coulson
  • 1969 — F E Ireland
  • 1965 — A J V Underwood