Macnab-Lacey Prize

The Macnab-Lacey Prize is awarded to the undergraduate student design project team whose design project submission best shows how chemical engineering practice can contribute to a more sustainable world.

The objectives of the competition are to:

  • encourage students to think of sustainable development as a key element of their design projects
  • influence chemical engineering departments to position sustainable development at the heart of the curriculum
  • demonstrate that IChemE takes sustainable development seriously
  • provide a showcase for student talent, and reward achievement.

The winning entry will receive a prize of £750.

All design projects involving students on courses accredited by IChemE are eligible for entry. Each accredited department is asked to judge internally all of its student design projects and to choose one entry to submit to the judging panel.

A panel convened by IChemE’s Sustainability Special Interest Group will judge the nominations and recommend a winner to the Medals and Prizes Committee.

Criteria this medal will be judged against are:

  1. sustainability principles
  2. engineering design
  3. sustainability of the design
  4. sustainability metrics
  5. written submission.

Detailed entry criteria can be found on the Sustainability Special Interest Group section of the website.

How to nominate

To make a nomination, open the online nomination form and complete the information requested, paying attention to the criteria the medal will be judged against. The closing date for nominations is 31 October 2024.

Please note the following:

  • additional documents submitted outside the information provided in the nomination form will not be considered by the judges (unless specified otherwise)
  • we do not accept self-nominations
  • we do not accept nominations for sitting members of the Board of Trustees
  • unless indicated otherwise, medals/prizes are generally awarded to individuals — a single medal shall be presented in all cases.

Contact for more information.

Prize winners 2018—2024
  • 2024 — University College London, Sustainable Production of Bisphenol-A from Cumene
  • 2022 — The University of Manchester (UK), Biobased Acrylic Monomers for Greener Paints and Coatings
  • 2021 — Joint award to The University of Manchester and University College Cork
  • 2020 — Imperial College, London, Sustainable Jet Fuel
  • 2019 — The University of Manchester, Sustainable Production of Dimethyl Carbonate
  • 2018 — University College, London, Reinventing Vinyl Chloride Monomer Production