Board of Trustees election

Following a ballot held of all eligible members during May 2024, the following appointments will be formally declared at the IChemE Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on 11 June 2024.

  • Joan Cordiner - Vice President (Learned Society)
  • Helen Ramsay - Ordinary Member (2 year term)
  • Paul McLaughlin - Ordinary Member (3 year term)

They join four Trustee members who stood uncontested:

  • Raffaella Ocone - Deputy President from June 2024 (President from June 2025)
  • Alan Harper – Vice President (Qualifications)
  • Andrea Hosey – Vice President (Member Engagement)
  • Tawana Muchatuta – Regional/Ordinary Member (Rest of World)

In addition to Mark Apsey, who will take over as President, and Nigel Hirst, who will succeed to the immediate Past President role, the following Trustees shall remain in office for the 2024/2025 term:

  • Dr David Edwards (Treasurer)
  • Ms Adriana Vargas-Colwill (Ordinary Member)