
Be the voice of the membership. Make a difference.

Congress is the member advisory body of the Institution comprising up to 40 volunteer members elected by their peers. It acts a sounding board and advises the Board of Trustees on matters of interest to IChemE and its members. This includes reviewing and advising on changes to the governance and operation of IChemE, as well as providing the members’ view to the Institution on strategic initiatives.

For more information on how to become a member of Congress, please visit the Congress election section.


Robert Peeling

Robert Peeling

Chair of Congress and Functional Fellow Representative

Robert Peeling CEng FIChemE was elected to Congress in October 2018 as Functional Fellow Representative.

Elizabeth Salter

Elizabeth Salter

Vice Chair of Congress and Regional Representative for UK South East

Elizabeth Salter CEng FIChemE was elected to Congress in June 2020 as Regional Representative for UK South East.

Jiaping Paul Chen

Jiaping Paul Chen

Functional Fellow Representative

Jiaping Paul Chen FIChemE was elected to Congress in June 2020 as Functional Fellow Representative.

Padraig Collins

Padraig Collins

Regional Representative for Rest of World

Padraig Collins CEng FIChemE was elected to Congress in June 2021 as Regional Member for Rest of World.

Francesco Del Giudice

Francesco Del Giudice

Functional Chartered Member Representative

Francesco Del Giudice MIChemE was elected to Congress in June 2021 as Functional Chartered Member Representative.

Chris Dodds

Chris Dodds

Academic Representative

Chris Dodds was elected to Congress in June 2023 as Academic Representative.

John Gunner

John Gunner

Functional Fellow Representative

John Gunner CEng FIChemE was elected to Congress in June 2023 as Functional Fellow Representative

Wadoud Hazineh

Wadoud Hazineh

Regional Representative for the UK North West and North Wales

Wadoud Hazineh CEng MIChemE was elected to Congress in June 2023 as Regional Representative for the UK North West and North Wales

James Hill

James Hill

Functional Early Career

James Hill AMIChemE was elected to Congress in June 2022 as Functional Early Career Representative.

Stephanie Houghton

Stephanie Houghton

Regional Representative for UK South Wales

Stephanie Houghton MIChemE was elected to Congress in June 2020 as Regional Representative for UK South Wales.

Peter Hunt

Peter Hunt

Functional Fellow Representative

Peter Hunt CEng FIChemE was elected to Congress in October 2018 as Functional Fellow Representative.

Earl Hutchinson

Earl Hutchinson

Regional Representative for UK Midlands

Earl Hutchinson MIChemE was elected to Congress in June 2020 as Regional Representative for UK Midlands.

Lisa Julian

Lisa Julian

Regional Representative New Zealand

Lisa Julian CEng MIChemE was elected to Congress in June 2022 as Regional Representative New Zealand.

Chris McDermott

Chris McDermott

Regional Representative for the USA

Chris McDermott CEng MIChemE was elected to Congress in October 2018 as Regional Representative for the USA.

Fiona McIntosh

Fiona McIntosh

Functional Early Career Representative

Fiona McIntosh AMIChemE was elected to Congress in June 2021 as Functional Early Career Representative.

Adam Millis

Adam Millis

Functional Chartered Member Representative

Adam Millis CEng MIChemE was elected to Congress in June 2023 as Functional Chartered Member Representative

Saiful Anuar B M Mokhtar

Saiful Anuar B M Mokhtar

Regional Representative for Malaysia

Saiful Anuar B M Mokhtar CEng MIChemE was elected to Congress in June 2023 as Regional Representative for Malaysia

Fuad Omar

Fuad Omar

Regional Representative Rest of World

Dr Fuad Omar CEng MIChemE was elected to Congress in June 2022 as Regional Representative Rest of World.

James Shorthouse

James Shorthouse

Regional Representative for Australia

James Shorthouse CEng FIChemE was elected to Congress in June 2021 as Regional Representative for Australia.

Dhruv Singh

Dhruv Singh

Early Career Representative

Dhruv Singh is elected to Congress as Functional Early Career Representative.

Jing Qiao Soo

Jing Qiao Soo

Functional Student Member Representative

Jing Qiao Soo was elected to Congress in June 2023 as Functional Student Member Representative

Matthew Swatton

Matthew Swatton

Functional Fellow

Eur Ing Matthew J R Swatton CEng FIChemE was elected to Congress in June 2022 as Functional Fellow Representative.