Young people
Why become a chemical engineer?
Find out how chemical engineers are playing a significant role in delivering the United Nation’s Global Goals, helping communities all over the world. Also, explore the exciting work of chemical engineering university undergraduates.

Engineering a sustainable world
Find out how IChemE's strategy will help to engineer a sustainable world

How chemical engineers deliver solutions to future challenges
Watch the IChemE animation which examines how joined-up thinking by chemical engineers can deliver solutions to society’s future challenges.

The future of chemical engineering
In this video, filmed at Recycling Technologies Ltd, IChemE looks at the future of the profession.

The evolution of chemical engineering over the last century
Watch this animation to show how the profession of chemical engineering has evolved over the last century.

Training 21st Century chemical engineers
Watch this film by Loughborough university exploring how the next generation of chemical engineers will develop the skills to solve emerging challenges.

Translating life science discoveries into products and processes
Watch the film from University College London to learn more about how its graduates were involved in all stages of development and manufacture of the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine.

Training the chemical engineers of tomorrow
Watch this film from University of Nottingham Malaysia to learn how they are training the chemical engineers of tomorrow.