Catalysis Summer School Bursary

IChemE has introduced a bursary under the Andrew Legacy Scheme to support students in enhancing their knowledge of catalysis.

IChemE provides funding for up to 20 PhD, EngD or MSc students to attend the week-long summer school, 'Fundamentals and practice of catalysis'. The University of Liverpool’s Department of Chemistry organises and holds the summer school every two years; the next summer school will commence in Summer 2026.

The summer school is a great opportunity for early career researchers to find out more about the area of catalysis. The programme provides an introduction to the fundamental aspects of catalysis, the chance to discuss and discover the latest developments in catalysis research, and to share knowledge that broadens understanding within the catalysis community. It is also an opportunity to learn from industrialists and academics in the field presenting their work at the summer school, as well as to network and develop new professional contacts.


The bursary is open to IChemE members worldwide, who are PhD, EngD or MSc students, or who have completed their studies within 12 months of the deadline. Applications are only accepted from members of IChemE, so if you are not yet a member, find out more about the benefits of joining.


Your research topic should be aligned with IChemE’s priority topics and have relevance to IChemE’s position statement on climate change.

Applicants are asked to submit a written explanation within the application form of how the summer school will help to progress their research. For this, there are three questions with a short answer required (a maximum of 250 words each). In addition to the application form, your supervisor is required to send a supporting statement and approval of attendance to in advance of the application deadline.

A selection panel made up of IChemE member volunteers will review applications. They will identify the applicants whose work they believe will benefit most from the catalysis topics taught on the course.


The bursary awards each person up to £2,000 in travel expenses (including visa application fees, where required) and up to £1,000 to cover course fees and the cost of accommodation.

The next Catalysis Summer School will take place in Summer 2026, Information regarding when to apply for the Catalysis Summer School Bursary will be available in due course. For more information, please contact the Learned Society at