Cumbria (UK)


Charlotte Ransom

Charlotte Ransom


Charlotte joined the Cumbria Members Group in 2018 as a general committee member and is now group chair.

Sarah McKay

Sarah McKay


Sarah joined the Cumbria Members Group committee in November 2019 as a general committee member. She is the group's secretary

Paul Sutton

Paul Sutton


Paul joined the Cumbria Members Group committee in December 2021 as Treasurer. He graduated in 2002 with an MEng in Chemical Engineering and Management from the University of Birmingham. Paul is the group's treasurer.

Sophie Watson

Sophie Watson

Committee Member

Sophie joined the committee in 2022 as STEM Lead and is now a General Committee Member.

Chris Bone

Chris Bone

Committee Member

Chris is a general committee member in the Cumbria Members Group.

Dan Pocock

Dan Pocock

Committee Member

Dan joined the Cumbria Members Group committee in November 2017. He is currently a general committee member.

Harry Brook

Harry Brook

Mentoring Committee Member

Harry joined the Cumbria Members Group committee in November 2019.

Luke Hissitt

Luke Hissitt

Committee Member

Oliver Richards

Oliver Richards

Communications Committee Member

Oliver joined the committee in 2022 and is now Communications lead.

Amelia Szymborska

Amelia Szymborska


Milly joined the committee in 2022 and is now the lead for STEM activities.

Cameron Wedderburn

Cameron Wedderburn

Committee Member

Cameron joined the committee in 2022 as a general committee member.

John Smallman

John Smallman

Committee Member

Fiona Lambert

Fiona Lambert

Committee Member

Fiona joined the Cumbria Members Group in 2023 and is a general committee member.

Adam Mason

Adam Mason

Committee Member

Adam joined the CMG as a general committee member in 2023. He has worked in nuclear industry in various posts – primarily on plants and projects relating to Sellafield - since graduating with a MEng in Chemical Engineering from Loughborough University.

Adil Akbar

Adil Akbar

Committee Member

Adil joined the Cumbria Members Group in 2024 and is a general committee member.

Ed Todd

Ed Todd

Committee Member

Ed joined the Cumbria Members Group in 2024 and is a general committee member.