Cumbria (UK)

About us

The aim of the IChemE Cumbria Member Group is to support the Continued Professional Development (CPD) of chemical engineers in our area, for all ages and levels of experience. 

We place a particular emphasis on helping younger engineers, as they gain experience to support a future Chartered Engineer application. 

We aim to organise a CPD event every two months, with a mix of technical and behavioural development themes. This includes site visits to local industrial facilities, early career leadership coaching, technical talks on advancements in chemical engineering and our Annual General Meeting, with a keynote speaker. 

As an organising committee of volunteers, we are particularly pleased with the turnout from our local chemical engineering community. We have the smallest member group in the UK but routinely get attendance that exceeds other, larger member groups. This tells us we are doing something right. 

If you have any thoughts or ideas on how we can improve further, we would love to hear from you.

Chair: Charlotte Ransom

Joining Instructions

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