New South Wales (AU)

About us

The role of the New South Wales Member Group committee is to be the ambassadors of IChemE at a local level and assist in the delivery of the Institution's mission, through events, technical meetings, networking, professional development and promotion of the chemical and process engineering profession.

IChemE's Australian branch is governed by a national Board. The Board is made of representatives, usually the chair from each member group committee.

The group network is designed to provide support to IChemE members by running events and technical meetings, support chemical engineers striving to achieve corporate membership and promotion of chemical engineering to industry and students.

The activities program offers opportunities for members to network, share ideas and promote the discipline at a state level, and are tailored to meet local needs. Typical events include technical seminars, site visits and social events.

The committee joins with the Engineers Australia New South Wales Chemical Branch to form the Joint Chemical Engineering Committee (JCEC) New South Wales, which organizes New South Wales events, support and promotion.

Get involved

Getting involved in local IChemE activity provides an ideal opportunity to continue your professional development and share ideas with fellow professionals. The more you participate, the greater the benefits.

The opportunities for involvement are varied:

  • become a committee member
  • become an interviewer/assessor of membership applications
  • join a special interest group
  • contribute to a publication
  • mentor younger members
  • host a site visit
  • organise a technical event.

All these activities offer you the chance to develop your personal skills, exposure to and communication with fellow professionals within industry and academia, many of whom are in senior positions.

Please refer to the events section of this site to see a current list of events and activities or contact either a member of your group committee or IChemE's Australian office.

Joining Instructions

Access to this group is a member exclusive benefit. To join the group and receive notifications of activities, log in and click the 'Join Now' button at the top of the page.

Contact us

Need some help? Contact us through our member group support team.

To find out more information about the New South Wales Member Group, contact or visit our Facebook or LinkedIn pages.

For more information on IChemE, please contact the Australian office: