Midlands (UK)

About us

The programme arranged by the Midlands Member Group (MMG) will support your career in many ways:

  • technical talks provide members in the area with opportunity to hear the latest thinking on matters in industry and academia from the experts in their field
  • networking through committee meetings and the events programme will allow you to meet and build a network of chemical engineering professionals that can help your long-term career progression
  • involvement in the MMG demonstrates commitment to your profession and support for other chemical engineers. Helping to run activities and/or the committee will provide a candidate for Chartered Engineer application with material for their competence and commitment report. Long-standing commitment can be the evidence used for an application for Fellow
  • the group is currently reviewing what activities would be of interest to our members. If anyone has any views on the type, format or content of activities that the group should be considering please let us know.

Get involved

The new committee is eager to hear from anyone who would like to contribute to IChemE activity in the area in any capacity. For instance:

  • committee; there are varied roles that will support the group’s activity from secretary to schools liaison, ordinary member and someone to organise a bit of social networking. All require different levels of attendance and involvement in committee meetings so you can support in a way that suits your personal circumstances
  • events; whether you or a colleague can offer a presentation on a subject, organise a venue, put forward an idea for a social event, or you have a suggestion for a talk that would interest the region; events support is needed and valuable all year at any time.

Joining instructions

Access to this group is a member exclusive benefit. To join the group and receive notifications of activities, log in and click the 'Join Group' button at the top of the page.

Contact us

Need some help? Contact us through our member group support team.

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