Palm Oil Processing

Public comments reviewed for the MSPO standards revision

Public comments reviewed for the MSPO standards revision

21st September 2021

The MSPO Standards, MS2530:2013 series and the Supply Chain Certification Standard used under the MSPO Certification Scheme is a set of national standards that addresses sustainability and traceability requirements of the oil palm industry in Malaysia.

Following the Working Groups meetings in April 2021, the draft MSPO Standards (MSPO Part 1 to Part 4-3) were made available for public comment from 5 May to 4 July 2021, through the Standards Malaysia and MPOCC websites as well as physical roadshows throughout Peninsular and East Malaysia, to gather comments from the public and stakeholders. As a very large number of comments were received many days were devoted to the review of the public comments by the working groups.

For Working Group MSPO Part 4 (Part 4-1, Part 4-2, and Part 4-3) Zoom meetings were held from 1—3 and 6—10 September 2021 over a period of eight gruelling days.

Professor Denny is the chair of this Working Group but due to the many days Ir. Hong was elected as protem chair to cover the days Professor Denny was not available. The chairs had a very challenging task of keeping the meeting proceeding at a good pace and we were quite fortunate to have the invaluable expert inputs from members. Members kept upper most in their minds that this standard should be accepted internationally.

The output will now go through due processes and hopefully will be launched at the beginning of 2022. In the meantime, members look forward to the details of MSPO Trace which MPOCC has decided to mandate from 1 October 2021, with a three months grace period. Members also look forward to the MSPO GHG calculator referenced in the standards.

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