Palm Oil Processing

The MSPO Standards Revision Continues

The MSPO Standards Revision Continues

20th April 2021

The MSPO Standards, MS2530:2013 series and the Supply Chain Certification Standard used under the MSPO Certification Scheme is a set of national standards that addresses sustainability and traceability requirements of the oil palm industry in Malaysia.

In line with the guiding principles of the Standard Setting and Review Procedure adopted by the Malaysian Palm Oil Certification Council (MPOCC), the MSPO Standards (MS2530:2013 series and Supply Chain Certification Standard) used under the MSPO certification scheme, is now due for systematic review every 5 years. This is to ensure continued relevance and effectiveness in meeting the stated sustainability objectives of the Standards.

The MPOCC is tasked to undertake the review of the MSPO Standards, in close cooperation with the Department of Standards Malaysia (Standards Malaysia). The review that started in September 2019 is now expected to be completed by end 2021, a delay of one year due to the coronavirus pandemic.

IChemE is represented by Ir. Qua Kiat Seng with Dr. Chong Mei Fong as his alternative to review.

  • 4a. MS 2530-4-1: 202X; Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) Part 4-1: General Principles for Palm Oil Mill including Supply Chain Requirements.
  • 4b. MS 2530-4-2: 202X; Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) Part 4-2: General Principles for Palm Oil Processing Facilities
  • 4c. MS 2530-4-3:202X; Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) Part 4-3: General Principles for Dealers and Traders.

The first meeting for 2021 was held over 6 days from 5 – 13 April 2021 by Zoom. The meetings attended by more than 20 stakeholders were intense and long. In the absence of the chair, Ir. Hong Wai Onn (Novozymes) chaired 2 of the meetings.

Several important issues including environment, health and safety were deliberated and defined. Although this working group covers supply chain it noted that MSPO Trace on Traceability is still work in progress by MPOCC. As such its deliberations were confined to Malaysia at the moment.

After correction for errors and consistency by the staff of MPOCC the draft 1 standards will be available for public comment from 5 May to 4 July 2021. Whilst comments can be made on the Standards Malaysia and MPOCC websites there will be physical roadshows throughout Peninsular and East Malaysia to gather comments from the public and stakeholders.

The working group is expected to meet again in September 2021 to review the feedback and prepare draft 2 for the Technical Committee (TC) to finalize for the Minister of Plantation Industries and Commodities to approve by the end of the year.

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