Reduced rate eligibility

You will qualify for a reduction on your annual membership subscription if you: 

  • have been in membership for at least five years and have retired from paid employment
  • are on a low income, earning no more than GBP 10,600 per annum (AUD 21,200 / NZD 26,500 / MYR 53,000) 
  • are suffering from prolonged illness resulting in unpaid absence from paid employment for a duration of at least four months in a given year
  • are experiencing long term unemployment
  • have left the chemical engineering profession to pursue other interests. Examples include but are not limited to:
    • full time parent/carer and no longer in paid employment
    • those on a career break, for example, maternity or paternity leave, for a period of four consecutive months or more.
  • have re-entered full-time education to obtain a postgraduate degree. Courses that qualify are:
    • research degrees (PhD, EngDoc, MPhil) in a subject related to chemical engineering (max length 48 months)
    • taught postgraduate degree courses (MSc or MRes) in a subject related to chemical engineering (max length 24 months).

How to apply for a reduced rate

Providing you meet the above criteria, you can apply for a reduced rate by completing the online form in the MyIChemE members area.